First Post!
Post date: Jul 02, 2011 1:37:10 PM
So where am I ?
Well ignoring the collections of little tech demos that have disappeared into the mists of time, not really that far...
A very crusty galaxy generator that was converted and heavily modified from Carl Burkes java applet (yes, it used to be on a Geocities site, so an here's another backup link to the same page).
A whole heap of spaceship models, that may or may not be used in the game.
A developing C# game framework that sits on top of a renderer, such as;
Unity 3D
Unity 3D is a fantastic game engine with lots of middleware built in. It sure beats building your own game engine + physics etc.
It targets out of the box, for free, Mac and Windows (and a web-player for both), supports iOS, and Android, and even Consoles like the Wii, 360 and the PS3 - though I expect licenses for the consoles to be prohibitive!
This targets PC, Windows 7 Phone, and XBox 360.
I'm not terribly interested in implementing this, but theoretically I should be able to make a ASP.NET target
This is opposed to the Web player that unity targets, of course :)
Terminal output
This is what I'm concentrating on *right now* - as playing around with models and shaders is too much of a distraction to share engine development with targeting unity.
What can the engine do as of now?
It has the following types of state
Everyone has to have one of those, right?
The most common UI element
Quit Game
You'll have to quit at some point, right?
Star System Map
Displays a subset of the 100LY cube box, and allows you to select the system
File System Abstraction
So you can save games, cache things, etc without worrying what is located where
So, really not very much, though that's a lot of code to write :-)
What am I developing right now?
I'm generating star systems. The crusty system generator works incredibly well, but needs work to bring it up to date, and make it maintainable in some form.