Post date: Oct 04, 2011 2:20:34 AM
This is a game I knocked together over a weekend, inspired by Roboman's Missile 3D.
It's got everything, unbalanced gameplay, programmer assets, and a few misfeatures.
I doubt that I will do any more development on this game.
If you like the game, download the appropriate user-unfriendly completely untested archives for your computer:
(PS I've not got the hang of creating stand-alone builds so don't expect much to change on the input side of the startup dialog!)
Use the mouse to move around the screen
Avoid hitting the walls or the nasty spinning whirly things with holes in.
See how far you get! Your high scores are local to your browser/machine.
Older Versions
Play version 1.2 uses mouse, left mouse to turbo boost [Textures tweaked, Camera altered, and a disk rotations slower]
Play version 1.1 uses mouse, left mouse to turbo boost
Play Version 1.0 uses cursor keys (May not work on your computer due to procedural textures)