Useful Information
Baud Rates
Modem type used: V.23 aka 1200/75 7,e,1 (7 data bits, EVEN parity, and one stop bit - as opposed to the usual 8,N,1)
Your modem will be able to recognise this, as it usually auto-trains when you send "AT" to it.
Dial up
Can't get your Prestel Terminal to dial up, because your cheap PABX doesn't support pulse dial?
Get your modem to dial your terminal (Say that it's on extension 101), then when you've picked up the phone with the terminal (# key on Tandata terminals), get the modem to answer!
ATDT101; <---- Dial 101 with Tone, semicolon tells modem to stay in command mode.
ATA <----- Answer, once you get CONNECT (some baud rate, which is usually your line speed NOT always the speed you've trained at!)
Of course if you can't do this, you'll need a double adapter and dial the number beforehand and then pick up on the terminal, and hang up the telephone when the modem answers.